Welcome to WOA Sproutcam

Pictures for WOACAM3 - sprouting

sprouts - Sprouts - SProuts - SPRouts - SPROuts - SPROUts - SPROUTs - SPROUTS

It is summer, the heat is up and motivated by CornCam - it is time to raise our most impressive crop - SPROUTS.

I'm back in the sprouting mood and what better focus for another webcam experiment, then raising a few sprouts.

sprouts are simply shoting the seeds of whatever you can lay your hands on. The idea is to raise a fresh green salad food. Given that most seeds will store and retain viability for a few years, sprouting is an easy way to have fresh, green food. Note, most sprouts are eaten before they green up as quite a few plants then start to tast bitter.

Traditional sprouting seeds are Mung Beans, Alfalfa, Radish, Fenegreek, Any Bean, Mustard, Wheat and quite a few others.

Our SproutCam will focus on Mung Beans, which take about a week to grow to about 20cm long. during this time, they will of course be consumed {:-).

The purpose, apart from another webcam, will be to produce some time lapse photography. So with this in mind, I'll attempt to keep an historical record of captured images.

Visual Diaries

  • Diary 1; Mung beans from Monday 11/12/2000 to ????

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Monthly access figures for sproutcam.